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Membership Renewals

No matter when you join, a membership year for WNC is February 1 through January 31.   

  1. Annual Dues are $45.00. 

  2. Membership renewal is due and payable by January 31 of each year.

  3. Renewal dues postmarked or submitted after January 31 will be charged a late fee of $10.00 for a total of $55.00. 


We offer 2 ways to pay:​

  1. Write a $45 check payable to Westside Newcomers Club and mail it to our VP Membership, Lynda Towers, 2405 Mourning Warbler Ave, North Las Vegas, NV 89084. To contact our VP Membership, click here.

  2. Complete and submit the online renewal form below (fields with an asterisk are required).

To update your personal information (new address, email address, phone number, or to add a second phone number to the directory), contact our VP of Membership at

Do not use Internet Explorer for the PayPal payment process . Please use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, or your cellular phone.

You do not need a PayPal account to use our PayPal option.

Solicitation to WNC by any member or non-member is prohibited

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